Arrival and Dismissal

Liberty Families: Please read this in its entirety. This plan was developed in conjunction with the Bolingbrook Police Department. Although it may seem a bit “unusual,” it works very well. Please make yourself familiar with the procedure and bookmark this page for future reference. Occasionally, you may need to change transportation for your child and will need to know this procedure.

Morning Drop Off/Arrival Procedures
Students can enter the building beginning at 8:50 a.m. Students are not to arrive at school prior to this time since there is no supervision of students until 8:50 a.m. There will be staff assigned to bus and car duties all year.

Car Riders:
If you drive your child to school, all car riders are to enter on the east side of the building, off Essington Road. When drivers enter the school entrance off Essington, the traffic flow pattern is to turn right to enter the drop off/parking area in front of the school. An area is set up directly in front of the main doors for student drop off. Cars are to pull up right next to the curb. THIS IS A MOVING LINE ONLY. All cars will be asked to enter the lane and pull all the way forward before allowing students to leave the vehicles on the CURBSIDE ONLY. Once the cars in the line are emptied, they will pull forward and exit the area and a new line of cars will enter the lane. No vehicles will be permitted to leave the lane by passing the cars in front of them. 

Bus Riders:
All busses will enter the Liberty property via Emily Drive. Buses will pull up to the back of the building and the students will unload and enter the building. Staff will be on hand to direct students as needed.

Students who are walkers may enter the school building in the back (D doors) or through the main entrance doors (A doors).

Dismissal/Pick-up Procedure
Students will be dismissed at 3:40 p.m.

Car Riders and Walkers:
All car riders will be dismissed first, followed by walkers. Car riders will exit out the main entrance doors (A doors) and walkers will exit out the back of the building (D doors). If your child is a walker or bicycle rider, we ask that you wait by the bicycle rack/rock area to alleviate congestion by the doors.

Car Riders:
When drivers enter the school entrance off of Essington Road to pick up students,
the traffic flow pattern is to turn right to enter the pickup/parking area in front of the school. All cars are to pull ALL THE WAY forward along the curb and are to create one lane. Once the end of this lane reaches the orange cones, a second lane will be formed right beside that first lane. Once that second lane is full, a third lane will be created. ALL ADULTS ARE TO REMAIN IN THEIR CARS. Once all cars are in those three lanes and are NOT moving, car riders will be dismissed out the front door shortly after the bell rings. We ask that all drivers turn their cars off once the children begin exiting the building. The students will walk to their cars and get in.

Once all students are in all the vehicles, staff members will walk down the lanes looking for the “thumbs up” from each driver, indicating all the children are in their cars. Once all rows are loaded, the first lane will pull out, followed by the second, and then the third. No cars will be permitted to pull away until all children are safely in their cars and cars are not permitted to pass other drivers unless directed by staff to do so (if a child is not outside, that parent/guardian will be instructed to circle around to wait for their child).

Please note: Any car that arrives after the students are emerging from the building will be asked to remain in the side parking lot area until all lanes of traffic exit. At that time, late arriving cars will be permitted to pull up to the front sidewalk area.

Important: Cars behind the orange cones should remain in a single file line. Once the first lane exits, this lane will be filled with cars again. No students will be escorted to vehicles beyond the orange cones.

Parents/guardians who arrive early to pick up students and park in the front visitor parking lot MUST be aware that this lot will be closed from approximately 3:20 until all cars in the moving lines have exited this lot (approximately 3:50). If a parent/guardian chooses to park there, they will not be permitted to leave until all car riders have left this area (approximately 3:50). If a parent/guardian must pick up their child for an after-school appointment,  they must park in the side parking lot, otherwise they may be blocked in until approximately 3:50.

A parent/guardian who chooses to park and get out of their car must meet their child on the sidewalk and must be parked in a designated parking spot. This will help eliminate congestion.

We realize this plan may seem somewhat inconvenient for drivers, but it is designed with student and family safety as our top priority.

Bus Riders:
All bus riders will exit with their teachers through the back doors (D doors). All busses will be parked in the back lot and will be loaded at the same time. We hope to have the busses loaded in approximately 10-15 minutes, which means they will be on the road by 3:50 - 3:55 p.m. However, please allow additional time during the first few days of school. It is not unusual for the bus loading and dismissal procedure to take up to 25 minutes at the beginning of the year. We take our dismissal procedures very seriously and make every effort to ensure our students are placed on the correct busses. No busses can leave until we are sure we have students loaded correctly. Within a week or so, we will have our dismissal procedure down to a well-oiled machine! Thanks in advance for understanding.

We appreciate your cooperation with these procedures. This plan was designed to always ensure student safety. This type of procedure has been utilized at several district elementary schools with great success. We do realize that some procedures and policies may seem “inconvenient,” but student safety is our main concern. If you have any questions, please contact the Liberty School office at (815) 609-3037.

Thank you for your cooperation.